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Rosetta 的计算程序今天上午进行了升级。新版本引入了 Rom Walton 对“被抢占时移出内存”臭虫的修正。详细请看技术新闻



停机通告:太平洋时间今天下午三点开始进行例行的停机维护,大约持续 1 到 2 个小时。

以后我们将会每天对“最佳预测”进行更新!今天的蛋白质是 1tif 。祝贺今天的赢家!更多细节和图片请查看“最佳预测”页面。

缺省的任务包时间长度由 8 小时更改为 2 小时。这个更改只会影响新的任务包。

Rosetta 的计算程序已经升级!Mac 平台的计算程序也已拥有显示图形的功能了。



我们将升级 Rosetta 的计算程序,新程序有如下新特性:

  • 任务包将有一个缺省最多八小时的完成时间,用户可以自己在网站上修改这个参数。任务包的长度将不依赖于所预测的结构的数量。这个选项方便用户限制每个任务包对带宽的使用,保持连接的运行时间。

  • 用户将可以定制图形的 FPS 和所占用的 CPU。

  • Mac 的用户也将拥有新版本的图形。

急寻志愿者!!!招募用户参加 Rosetta@home 的测试项目 RALPH@home(。

新的科学新闻。来自 David Baker 对本项目研究的更新说明。


停机通告:硬件常规性维护,项目暂停。维护大约持续 4~6 小时。重启时间大约是太平洋时间今天下午 3 点。详见技术新闻



最近的 HHMI Bulletin 上刊登了一篇关于 David Baker 和 Rosetta@home 项目的文章《Protein Detectives - 蛋白质侦探》。


停机通告:项目将会因硬件维护而暂停。大约持续 2~4 小时。重启时间大约是太平洋时间今天下午三点。详见技术新闻




关于 Rosetta 项目在寻找诸如艾滋病、癌症、天花、疟疾等疾病的治疗药物中的作用,请看网站上新增的疾病相关研究部分

Windows 平台上 Rosetta 的屏保已经发布。详细信息请看这里



Rosetta 的计算程序已经升级,另外,我们正在对 Jack Schonbrun 开发的屏保版本进行 Beta 测试。新版本程序增加了新的方法以提高搜寻策略的多样性,同时修改几个小的错误。

November 8, 2005
We are back to normal operation. Thank you all for your patience during these recent maintenance down times.

November 8, 2005
停机通告: The project will be down again starting at 3pm PST for around 2 hours or less to improve the performance of our database server.

November 7, 2005
Work flow is back to normal.

Novenber 7, 2005
Outage Notice: The project will be down starting today at 3pm PST for maintenance. We should be back online later in the day.

November 4, 2005
Welcome Find-a-Drug and SETI@home users, and all new participants! We greatly appreciate your interest and participation.

A review of our research and recent progress in the field, titled Progress in Modeling of Protein Structures and Interactions, can be found in the October 28th issue of Science.

November 4, 2005
The database purging and archiving are complete and work flow is back to normal. See this post for more information.

November 3, 2005
Our database is being purged and old workunits and results are being archived. As a result, the load on the server is high and work flow has been reduced. See this thread for more information. We will be back up to speed in a day or so.

November 2, 2005
We are experiencing problems with our database and as a result the project will be down intermittently.

October 25, 2005
Rosetta designed protein, Top7, is Molecule of the Month in the Protein Data Bank.

October 21, 2005
Version 5.2.2 of the BOINC client software has been released! See the BOINC website for details.

October 20, 2005
The rosetta application has been updated on all platforms. The updated versions should have a smaller memory footprint and the OSX version should also run on 10.3.9+.

October 14, 2005
UW news - HFS helps science; you can too

October 14, 2005
Congratulations koerni and j2satx for producing the next round of top predictions! Want to know how you did? Check out our new Results page.

October 6, 2005
We are happy to announce that this project is no longer beta. We are getting very interesting scientific results and the project is operating well thanks to user participation and input. We will post updated results soon so stay tuned!

October 5, 2005
The server and web site upgrade to BOINC 5+ is complete. Work is flowing again and the site seems okay and functional. There are some minor changes in the look and feel of the web site that were added to stay consistent with BOINC and to make future upgrades easier. Please post any significant issues that come up regarding the server and site upgrade at this forum thread.

October 3, 2005
Wednesday, October 5th, we will be upgrading our BOINC server to support 5+ clients. This site will be offline during the upgrade and will be back online the following day. You do not have to stop your client during this transition.

September 28, 2005
Welcome to the New and Returning UW Residence Hall Students!

We need your help with our research effort. On this site you'll find information about what we're doing, how we're going about it and how you can help. Within the message boards you'll also find a large knowledgeable community of volunteers from around the world whose experience will prove invaluable to you (and to us).

We appreciate your interest and look forward, with your help, to cracking one of the 'grand challenge' problems in biophysical research.

September 24, 2005
Welcome from David Baker and the first top predictions posted.

September 21, 2005
News article about our research in the Daily Telegraph.

September 16, 2005
David Baker's research in today's issue of Science. See HHMI's news release.

Toward High-Resolution de Novo Structure Prediction for Small Proteins
Philip Bradley, Kira M. S. Misura, and David Baker
Science 16 September 2005: 1868-1871.

September 13, 2005
NIH/NIGMS article about David Baker and his research.

September 8, 2005
We have successfully switched over to a new production database server.

August 30, 2005
The server is going to be down this Wednesday through Friday for maintenance.

August 18, 2005
Over 14000 ab initio and 2800 full-atom relaxed structures made with constraints. Top full-atom relaxed model so far has an RMS of 0.54 to native. Best scoring model has an RMS of 0.70.

July 23, 2005
New app versions added for all platforms. Old versions were removed and new ab initio and relax work units added. Folding with constraints.

July 6, 2005
Mac OS X version added.

June 29, 2005
Over 6000 structures made. So far the top model has an RMS of 2.31 to native.

June 26, 2005
Rosetta for Windows and Linux platforms available. Initial work units are 2ptl ab initio folding tests.

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